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Guideline For Electing a Mezzanine Floor | Sigma Team

Guideline For Electing a Mezzanine Floor | Sigma Team

In Singapore, our company  Sigma Mezzanine has received numerous requests for mezzanine floor construction. The client's goal for their workplace re-modeling is to create a two-tier office and storage facility. The majority of consumers are unaware of the rules and regulations that must be followed while establishing a legal mezzanine floor.
Do not rely solely on the advice of the real estate agent; instead, seek advice from experienced specialists or contractors. You should be upfront and communicate your desire to build a mezzanine floor with the property developer and building management office before purchasing or renting the unit. Request a fitting-out guide and have the requirements and applications for the mezzanine construction explained to you. Additionally, seek expert assistance; (QP) Qualified Persons such as Architects and (PE) Professional Engineers can provide guidance.
Compliance with the fire code requires submission to the SCDF-FSSB (Fire Safety & Shelter Bureau). A Qualified Person will prepare the drawings, which will be reviewed by a (RI) Registered Inspector. For the steel structure's safety, the upper and lower floors of the mezzanine will require two levels of sprinkler points and maybe fireproofing. Above all, the mezzanine floor must have URA and BCA approval in order to be legal and compliant. As a result, if your neighbor decides to construct an illegal mezzanine floor, do not follow suit.
Finally, be aware of the consequences if you decide to construct an unlawful mezzanine floor. You will be ordered to demolish the structure immediately if you are caught, and you may face consequences for your activities. If you'd rather be safe then you could seek help from ARID Builders.

How You Can Install A Mezzanine Floor In Your Warehouse

A mezzanine floor connects two existing stories of a structure and is partially open to the floor below. They sit midway between the existing floor and ceiling, creating additional floor space in high-ceilinged areas.
The mezzanine is not counted as one of the building's floors, and it normally cannot cover more than one-third of the total floor area. If you're running out of space in your warehouse or other facilities, consider a mezzanine floor installation by Sigma Mezzanine. Our professional design team will collaborate with you to come up with the perfect solution, incorporating safety features to create a functioning environment in your warehouse. 
We also install outside of business hours to provide the least amount of inconvenience to your operation. Get in contact with us online to tell us about your needs and see how we can assist you.

How You Can Install A Mezzanine Floor In Your Warehouse

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